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Average Response Time (TMR) plays a crucial role in the customer experience and sales effectiveness on Mercado Livre.

Here are some strategies to reduce your TMR and improve customer service:

1. Use Ready-made Messages and Response Templates

Create ready-made messages and response templates for frequently asked customer questions.

This will help speed up the response process, saving time and ensuring consistency in communications.

Use GoBots' artificial intelligence for this.

Learn more by clicking here.

2. Activate Automatic Replies

Take advantage of GoBots' automatic responses functionality.

Configure automatic messages or, if applicable, away messages to notify customers of receipt of their questions and inform them that a more detailed response will be provided shortly.

3. Prioritize Pending Questions

Regularly triage incoming questions and prioritize those that have been pending the longest.

Answering these questions quickly demonstrates commitment to customer service and can help avoid lost sales.

Use tags for this it can be a great asset.

It's time to let our artificial intelligence answer for your store in Mercado Livre!

4. Set Specific Times to Answer Questions

Establish specific times throughout the day to dedicate yourself exclusively to answering customer questions.

This will help create a routine and ensure that no inquiry is left unanswered for too long.

5. Maintain Clear and Concise Language

When responding to customer questions, be sure to use clear, concise language.

Avoid long, complicated answers that could confuse customers.

Be direct and objective in your communications.

6. Empower the Customer Service Team

If you have a team responsible for customer service, make sure you train them appropriately.

Provide training on company policies, products and services, as well as best practices for communicating with customers.

7. Use Message Management Tools

Consider using message management tools that can help organize and prioritize customer questions efficiently.

These tools can help reduce the time spent triaging questions and make it easier to respond quickly.

One of them is GoBots.


Reducing the Average Response Time (TMR) at Mercado Livre is essential to providing a positive customer experience and maximizing sales opportunities.

By using ready-made messages, activating automatic replies, prioritizing pending questions, setting specific times, maintaining clear language, empowering the team and using message management tools, you can significantly improve your TMR and ensure effective and efficient service to your customers .

To accomplish all this, there is nothing better than relying on the only service solution that is a platinum partner of Mercado Livre.

Click here and learn more.

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The next store to respond 24 hours a day could be yours!