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The Importance of Average Response Time (TMR) in Mercado Livre

O Average Response Time (TMR) is a vital metric in the dynamic world of e-commerce, especially when it comes to the renowned e-commerce platform. Mercado Livre.

In this article, we'll explore practical strategies to ensure your business respects and optimizes TMR, helping to build a solid reputation and increase search visibility.

Understanding TMR and its Impact

TMR refers to the average time it takes a salesperson to respond to customer messages.

In the context of Mercado Livre, where fast communication is essential, a low TMR not only strengthens customer trust but also plays a key role in the platform's search rankings.

Strategies for Respecting the TMR in Mercado Livre

1. Prioritize Urgent Messages

Identifying and prioritizing urgent messages is crucial to maintaining a low TMR.

Be proactive in identifying queries that require immediate attention and respond to those first, demonstrating commitment to responsive service.

Using filters within Gobots you can do this in a few clicks.

2. Pay attention to notifications

Take advantage of features available on Gobots that generate alerts for new questions received.

Ensuring that if artificial intelligence does not answer the question, it allows your team to respond quickly, especially in times of high traffic.

This agility can positively impact customer satisfaction.

3. Establish Clear Response Times

Set clear response times and communicate them to your customers.

This not only manages expectations, but also helps balance efficiency and time dedicated to customer service.

Meet established deadlines to build a trustworthy reputation.

It's time to let our artificial intelligence answer for your store in Mercado Livre!

4. Invest in Training and Resources

Ensure your staff are properly trained to efficiently handle customer queries.

Providing clear resources and guidance can streamline the response process, contributing to lower TMR and better customer experience.

5. Automate Default Responses

Automating standard responses can be an effective strategy for frequent queries.

Use tools like gobots to automatically answer common questions, allowing your team to focus on more complex, personalized queries.

Conclusion: Increasing Service in Mercado Livre with Respect for TMR

Respecting the Average Response Time on Mercado Livre is not just a recommended practice; It is essential to the success and reputation of your online business.

By implementing proactive strategies, from message prioritization to intelligent automation, you not only respect TMR, but also build a robust and successful online presence.

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