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Contrary to what many may think, artificial intelligence is not something futuristic or distant from our reality, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly present in our daily lives.

Even without realizing it, when you browse the homepage of your favorite social network or ask for that little help from your smartphone's virtual assistant, you are already making use of artificial intelligence.

And these are just some of the types of use that this technology shows in our daily lives.

And as much as it may seem to be an element of the 1956st century, artificial intelligence had its beginnings in XNUMX, created by scientists Allan Newel and Herbert A. Simon, through the Logic Theorist (LT) program, which was designed to use human techniques in Problems solution.

Many consider that the creation of the duo can be considered the first artificial intelligence.

In this article, we will explore the incredible advancement of artificial intelligence in recent years and how these innovations are transforming our lives, especially in the context of e-commerce, where GoBots stands out as a pioneer in intelligent customer interaction.

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Since then, a lot has changed, including the use of AIs in our daily lives.

The automation of processes and humanoid robots as we see in movies is a small and discreet part of the influence that artificial intelligence is present in our routine.

Social media and music apps use AI to define searches and recommendations personalized to each user, the famous GPS also uses AI to plot the best route through real-time information and so on…

The job market directly related to AIs has been growing in several countries.

Brazil more than doubled the number of hirings compared to 2015.

In the United States, the percentage of total jobs posted online went from 0.7% in 2010 to 0,28%.

In the case of machine learning, the index went from the same initial level a decade ago to 0,5%.

The growth has been taking place mainly in the areas of high technology (such as information), finance and insurance, industry and support for resource management.

It is important to realize that AIs are already a “path of no return”.

Its main objective is to automate our routine and facilitate coexistence, whether through intelligent electronic devices or replacing human labor in obsolete jobs, such as in telemarketing, sales, doubt systems or providing pre-service in any field of activity. .

1. Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks

In recent years, deep learning has been a significant area of ​​focus in AI research.

This method, inspired by the structure of the human brain, uses artificial neural networks to analyze complex data.

Deep learning has enabled remarkable advances in pattern recognition, natural language processing, and computer vision.

This means that machines can now understand and interpret information in ways that were previously considered impossible, leading to more natural and sophisticated interactions with users, such as those offered by GoBots in the context of online customer service.

2. Conversational AI and Chatbots

Advances in the area of ​​conversational AI have transformed the way we interact with machines.

Chatbots are notable examples of this advancement.

These virtual assistants are able to hold meaningful conversations with users, understand their intentions, and provide relevant responses in real-time.

The integration of chatbots into e-commerce platforms has revolutionized customer service, providing instant responses to customer queries, increasing operational efficiency and significantly improving the customer experience.

3. AI in Content Personalization and Recommendations

Personalization is key to engaging consumers online.

Thanks to advances in AI, companies can now analyze customer data in real time to offer personalized recommendations and content tailored to individual preferences.

This not only increases conversion rates but also creates more engaging and relevant shopping experiences.

AI's ability to understand purchasing patterns, user behavior and browsing history is critical to this effective personalization.

4. AI in Data Analysis and Decision Making

Large volumes of data are generated daily in the digital environment.

AI has the ability to analyze this data in real time, identifying patterns and trends that would be impossible for humans to process.

AI algorithms can help businesses make informed decisions about pricing, inventory, marketing strategies, and more.

AI-based predictive analytics allows companies to anticipate customer needs and adjust their strategies accordingly.

5. AI in Healthcare and Scientific Research

In the healthcare and scientific research sectors, AI has been a true revolution.

Deep learning algorithms are used to analyze medical images, make accurate diagnoses and even discover new medicines.

AI is also fundamental in disease modeling, accelerating research and development of innovative treatments.


The advancement of artificial intelligence in recent years represents just the tip of the iceberg in terms of its potential.

Technology is evolving rapidly, and its impact on the most diverse areas of our society is immense.

In the context of e-commerce, GoBots stands out as an innovation that exemplifies the power of AI in improving the customer experience.

By integrating intelligent chatbots and conversational AI systems like GoBots, companies not only improve operational efficiency but also provide customers with an instant, personalized service experience.

The future of artificial intelligence is promising, and companies adopting these innovative technologies are at the forefront of the digital revolution.

With GoBots and other similar solutions, interacting with customers has never been so intuitive and effective, taking online customer service to a new level of excellence.

Prepare for a future where artificial intelligence will continue to shape our digital interactions, delivering smarter, more personalized experiences for us all.

Have you ever stopped to think that you have been using Artificial Intelligence almost daily and didn't realize it?

As stated earlier, AI is not the future but the present.

Make the most of it to optimize your time, have more fluid processes and organize your routine.

Any questions you have, please contact us by email. [email protected] and follow us on social media: Facebook , LinkedIn e Instagram.

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